Devika came to the fold of Tat Tvam Asi in 2016 after 5 years of knowing Dr.Sankara Bhaghavadpada in 2011 for a Jyotish consultation. Crisis turned into a blessing and opened the doors to the vast teachings of Dr.Sankara Bhagavadpada. The first few meetings were transformational and led to a long and fruitful association with Tat Tvam Asi.
Banker by profession and has an extremely restless urge within to understand life in every moment of its passing and in its entirety. Enjoys the journey of motherhood, reading and learning.
- With Prof V K Choudhry, the founder of SA to Hindu Astrology
- With Rajesh K Chaudhary, a Chartered Accountant & SA Astrologer
- At IIPA Conf, Dr J Miller speaking
- With Prof Choudhry & other delegates
- IIPA Conf in Session; the delegates in attendance
- Dr Prema, Dr S Joshi & Dr Shalmali,
- Arun Krishnan & Balaji B
- Kannanji welcoming Dr Joshi
- Invocation
- Dr Joshi addressing the partiicipants
- Guruji speaking
- Guruji & Dr Prema with Dr Joshi & Dr Shalmali
- Ricardoji, Premaji, Dr Patricio Bertoglioji, Paulinaji, Sankaraji
- Ricardoji, Sankaraji, Premaji with Gabrielji & the members of Bestodioji's family
- Radio Interview
- At the Radio Station; Dr Sankaraji answering spiritual questions
- At the Radio Station
- Sankaraji, Premaji with Sambhaviji, Beatriceji & others
- With Gabrielji, Danielji & others
- With Lakshmi Sambahaviji
- After a retreat with Ricardoji & the group
- With Ricardoji, Premaji, Sambhaviji & Family
- TV Interview with Marcos Whoortman
- Evening Talk
- Atmajnana Yajna in Session
- With Sivatmikaji & Ricardoji
- Sivatmikaji with the Masters
- Vanessaji & Family
- With Gavinji, Sivatmikaji, Ricardoji & Samuelji
- With the Yajna participants
- Ricardoji, Sivatmikaji & others
- Top Row: Maggiji, Kannanji, Al Noorji, Elviraji, Sankaraji, Sebastianji, Lorenzaji, Pipeji & Marcoji Bottom Row: Ricardoji, Gabrielji, Monicaji & Rosalbaji
- Ricardoji introducing Dr Sankara to the Mumukshus
- Atmajnana Yajna in Session at our host Maggiji's residence
- Jyotish Consultations at Monicaji's Residence
- Atmajnana Yajna in progress
- With Lakshmiji in Rochester
- With Vasugiji in Ottawa
- Lakshmikumarji with Kannanji
- Dr Sankara speaking
- Dr Sankara speaking to a group of seekers in downtown Toronto
- Dr Sankara with friends
- Hosts and Friends(Rochester)
- With Bharathyji, Kannanji &Mr John
- Mr John, Kasturiji, Kannanji, Bharatyji, Lakshmikumarji & Vasugiji in Rochester
- With Bharathyji, Lakshmikumarji & Mr. John,
- Mumukshu’s Invocation
- Invocation
- Ricardoji translating
- Dr Sankara teaching
- Dr Sankara worshipping with seekers
- Intense communication
- Sankara & Pete in San Jose, CA, 2012
- Sankara & Pete in San Jose, CA, 2012
- The Overseas Seekers with Dr Sankara
- Participants, another view
- Retreat in Progress-Dr Sankara Teaching
- A Section of the Participants
- The Mumukshus [Spiritual Seekers]
- Sankara listening
- Yoga Class by Kumarji
- Discussion at the Break
- At Lunch
- Devikaji, Dawnji & Kannanji
- Balaji speaking